By Jens M. Ruijg How can we reduce waste and make oil at the same time? Here is an introduction to a promising technology that may solve both problems by turning waste into oil: Pyrolysis. Recently Daniel Beltrá, a conservation photographer, exhibited his latest work at Roca’s Gallery in Barcelona (Madrid and Chicago are next). It consists of some beautiful […]

Category: sustainable innovation
By Jop Timmers It excited me to learn that Philips is bringing back some of its production from China to Drachten, the Netherlands. Not because I don’t wish the people in the Far East to have a prosperous economy, because I really do and luckily they have. But because it troubled me to see production facilities moving further […]

Category: sustainable innovation
By Jop Timmers The reality check project by Design for Good of the home compostability of the certified biodegradable packaging foil of Lovechock is now captured in a 1 minute 42 seconds YouTube movie. The degradation of the foil is visualized very well. Check it out! BKX7Z225NHAJ

Category: materials, miscellaneous
By Jop Timmers What are the trending colors for 2012? Looking at the color trend reports for 2012 it becomes crystal clear to me that sustainability has entered a new stadium of acceptance by the broader public. Natural colors are the bomb in 2012! The best examples can be found in the trending colors for the automotive industry. After […]

Category: design
By Jop Timmers Turning a 1967 bungalow into a modern, highly sustainable villa. Interior Designer Sanne Schenk of IDing showed me this great example of sustainable architecture: Villa 4.0 Background The owner of the building got inspired by natural living when he was making a world trip with his family on a sailing boat. Making electricity and drinking […]

Category: design