Posted By Jop Timmers In these times of pandemics Vodafone launched DreamLab, a very clever little app that helps to beat diseases. Together with major medical research institutes like the Imperial College London (Covid 19, cancer, genetics and foods), the AIRC (cancer) and the Garvan Institute (genetics) complex projects were defined that need an immense power of computing. This […]
In sustainable innovation
Posted By Mark Maples Designing and selling products for consumers at the bottom of the pyramid has many challenges. Besides the severe affordability constraints, innovations need to be appropriate for the target markets. Basing solutions and technologies around household items can be one method for addressing these barriers. Using household items addresses some of the most difficult financial barriers […]
In sustainable innovation
Posted By Jop Timmers Remember that small village at the coast of Colombia where students and inhabitants are working together to create a better future by making sustainable buildings, researching, documenting and sharing old habits and customs to prevent them from being lost forever after another generation? It is called Palomino and it is an example of how social […]
In sustainable innovation
Posted By Jop Timmers Here are last week’s most popular links I shared on Twitter and Facebook about sustainability, (product) design, innovation and marketing. By clicking read more you go to the original articles and webpages. Please be inspired! Open invitation to designers and architects to make a difference: Cambodian Sustainable Housing Competition In partnership with Karuna Cambodia, Habitat […]
In design
Posted By Jop Timmers Transforming waste into resource. Non profit organisation SOIL is turning human waste into fertile soil in Haiti. The project has many positive effects. People can use clean, good looking toilets, the amount of waste is substantially reduced, valuable fertile soil is created, better and more food can be produced. When production increases, Haiti may even […]
In miscellaneous