Jop’s Week in Tweets 3
By Jop TimmersAnd again I found so much interesting candy on the web. Here are my favourite tweets of the last two weeks.
Sustainable Innovation
There were some brilliant posts out there, this one is incredible, make sure you see the entire video:

Sun turning sand into 3d model...
Insane! best #RCA project ever? – 3D Printing With Just Sun And Sand : TreeHugger watch whole video! #innovation
and some more hot sand:
Beautiful! – Hot sand and skill turns plastic bottles into jewelry at Sahrawi Refugee Camp (Photos) : TreeHugger by @Petzdelux
I also found some very interesting reads about (sustainable) entrepeneurship and the role of design and innovation in business:
RT @lonnekecraemers: The story of @tieskroezen: Experiences as Social Entrepreneur in Developing Countries.
About behaviour change: Design’s next frontier: Nudging Consumers Into Making Better Life Choices #innovation
Clever but easy method! Creativity and leadership: The 3Cs –
Manufacturing success: how to use crowdsourcing to enhance innovation and product development
Green is suddenly the new black in business | Herald Sun
And some good examples of social and sustainable innovation:
12 Innovations Helping Both Women and the Planet : TreeHugger
How tiny Costa Rica is getting richer and saves environment ~ Can we copy this model? @EcoInteractive
MVRDV architect Anton Wubben, about the landmark design of the Rotterdam Market Hall #sustainable #design
How come I never saw this beautiful product before? Form Follows Material via Aart van Bezooyen #c2c
Da Bomb! Brock Davis makes beautiful art with a message, through unexpected medium: cauliflower EcoSalon #art
Lovely!! Koloro desk and stool by Torafu architects
Mieke Meijer was inspired by German industrial pictures when designing this beautiful desk.
Why Do We Want Innovation Yet Fear Innovation? –– Jeffrey Phillips- #innovation — Braden Kelley (@innovate)
My own work
I did two online interviews in the last two weeks, for Tomorrow’s World : Next. I will post the summaries (video) soon. Also there was the Innovative and Sustainable packaging summit where I led a workshop and there was some good news about my book:
Just heard the publisher is preparing the 2nd run of my book: “Design Processes in Practice”
Getting ready to be interviewed this afternoon about Sustainable Leadership. #TWNext
Final preparations for my workshop with Jeroen Jansen at 2nd Innovative and Sustainable Packaging summit in Amsterdam tomorrow. The workshop will be fun and food for thought. So many projects, I love this week!
Today I interviewed @oribrafman and @harrystarren about new leadership. Organizations prepare to unorganize! #twnext
Had a great practical thinking session this morning with @janrotmans @marleenlodder and @clubvan30 concieving some clever #sustainable projects
And yes!! My website is oh so responsive! And proud of it! many thanks to @gonzodesign who built it for me.
Nadenken over minste effect #verlichting op fauna #Veluwe ? hiermee kun je licht uitschakelen als er niemand is
follow me on Twitter at @joptimmers
Category: miscellaneous