Posted By Jop Timmers The reality check project by Design for Good of the home compostability of the certified biodegradable packaging foil of Lovechock is now captured in a 1 minute 42 seconds YouTube movie. The degradation of the foil is visualized very well. Check it out! BKX7Z225NHAJ

In materials, miscellaneous
Posted By Jop Timmers I am testing the actual biodegradability of Lovechock’s certified home compostable biobased packaging foil in my backyard in Amsterdam. This is the last foil I take out of the compost barrel. Day 93, foil 16 Wow! This foil is hidden well, way down in the compost. With a lot of effort I manage to get […]

In materials
Posted By Jop Timmers I am testing the actual biodegradability of Lovechock’s certified home compostable biobased packaging foil in my backyard in Amsterdam. Day 59, foil 11. Temperature drops. Still there are many ants in the compost barrel. The temperature has dropped a little bit, but I cannot verify it as there is no thermometer in the barrel. That would be […]

In materials
Posted By Jop Timmers I am checking the real biodegradability of Lovechock’s cellulose based packaging foil, in my backyard. Day 25, foil 5. All the cotton ropes have degraded. They all break when I carefully try to pull a foil out of the compost. There is no other solution than retrieving them with a small spade and rebinding them with plasticized […]

In materials
Posted By Jop Timmers I’m checking the home compostability of Lovechock’s celluloid based packaging foil in my own backyard in Amsterdam. The foil is made by Innovia Films. 20 Lovechock foils are carefully placed inside my compost barrel. The chocolate I ate… wow it’s good! For comparison I have also placed a foil made of biobased plastic PLA (polylactic acid). I know […]

In materials