Jop’s Week in Tweets 2
By Jop TimmersSo many interesting developments this week! In case you missed my Tweets, here are the ones that I believe are most interesting to you…
Sustainable Innovation

Zero emissions fuel cell introduced with 'invisible' Mercedes
Any sustainable news coming from the automotive industry was mainly about electric vehicles. Here is some good news about fuel cells development. Presented in a very attractive and innotive way by Mercedes Benz:
Mercedes introduces 0 emission fuel cell with ‘invisable’ car, brilliant! #innovation #lighting
And more innovation news from the automotive industry:
Finally I may do useful things while in traffic! • Bill Ford pitches self-driving car functions
A fantastic example of how innovation thrives sustainability and social equity:
Holy Crap! Smelly business | Design for Good human waste into fertilizer is good #business in Haiti.
An advantage of the real estate crisis is that architects are exploring totally new ways of building:
Zero-Carbon Skyscraper of the Future Biomimics Flowers (Photos) : TreeHugger #sustainability
Wow! If someone would just build these amazing creations! City Portraits by Victor Enrich #architecture
And some new designs that that do remarkable things with ‘tubes’:
Fun and beautiful! Prize winning design, swing made from old firehose. #upcycling #sustainability
Wow! I wonder what Adidas will come up with! ..Nike Unveils Its Big New Paradigm: Shoes Knit Like Socks
Design is one of the most powerful means for communicating a message. This week I found some great articles about this subject:
Great story on the outputs of design activism: #detroit(via @IDSA)
Tiny Story: Narrative Design
4 Elements That Make A Good User Experience Into Something Great #innovation #design
Interesting read: 3 Ways To Predict What Consumers Want Before They Know It | Co.Design: #business #innovation #design http://…
“Decide. You’re as likely to make a great call today as you are tomorrow.” – @37Signals
My own work
This is such a great project I am involved in:
A very clever public lighting management system.… via @joptimmers #openbareverlichting #public #lighting
And I am determined to involve cork in another product design that I will work on in the coming year:
Cork is a beautiful material in all ways. Will use it in one of my designs soon! DesignCork #greenmaterials
follow me at @joptimmers
Category: miscellaneous