Posted By Jop Timmers So many interesting developments this week! In case you missed my Tweets, here are the ones that I believe are most interesting to you… Sustainable Innovation Any sustainable news coming from the automotive industry was mainly about electric vehicles. Here is some good news about fuel cells development. Presented in a very attractive and innotive […]

In miscellaneous
Posted By Jop Timmers Zenzr is a public lighting platform that manages the intensity of streetlights dynamically, significantly reducing energy consumption, CO2 emissions and light pollution when demand is low. And it can do a lot more… In the public area, lighting provides safety and comfort. Public lighting is everywhere and energy consumed by it is the single largest […]

In sustainable innovation
Posted By Jop Timmers Transforming waste into resource. Non profit organisation SOIL is turning human waste into fertile soil in Haiti. The project has many positive effects. People can use clean, good looking toilets, the amount of waste is substantially reduced, valuable fertile soil is created, better and more food can be produced. When production increases, Haiti may even […]

In miscellaneous
Posted By Jop Timmers In case you missed my Tweets of last week, here are the ones that I guess are most interesting to you… Sustainable innovation When visiting the Green Metropole kick-off session in Amsterdam, I heard many interesting people saying interesting things: Carolien Gehrels from the city of Amsterdam: I want #Amsterdam to be the sustainability […]
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In miscellaneous
Posted By Jop Timmers It excited me to learn that Philips is bringing back some of its production from China to Drachten, the Netherlands. Not because I don’t wish the people in the Far East to have a prosperous economy, because I really do and luckily they have. But because it troubled me to see production facilities moving further […]

In sustainable innovation